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There is so many memories to choose from. But the one thing that stands out to me is the fact that grandpa was my dad when mine wasn't around. He taught me everything that I know and he helped shape the person that I am today. I'm really going to miss coming over on Sundays and watch the lions game with my bud, or helping him tear something apart and then having him say ok well lets go see what grandma made us for lunch. I miss all the times where I could go to him when i really need someone to help me out or just have a man to man conversation. Looking back now I see that just sitting down and watching a football or baseball game or even the occasional wrestling match were times i would do anything to have back. I regret not being able to go out and sit with him on opening day of hunting season but I realize now that we all had that one special connection with him that no other grandchildren had. Finally I'm going to miss christmas and getting that one random present from him that made us all laugh from year to year. love ya grandpa and i'm missing you now more than ever.



One of the funniest memories i have of you is at birthdays..You were always getting frosting, and smearing it on the kids were always the life of the party no matter what occassion it was, i really miss you at the holidays,birthdays,&every day!! You truly were the greatest man to ever live, and no one could even compete!!! I Love & Miss You So Much!!! See i even added a picture of you at taylors birthday gettin reay to do it..with that cute little smile you have!!!

Dad, Remember when I was a "Basketball Star" We had a home game and Aunt Barb & Uncle Jim came with you and mom to my game. I was trying to make you all proud, suddenly I got the ball and took off like a shot to make the only basket I would that game. The crowd was cheering I shot the ball and made it, unfortunately it was the other teams basket the crowd was not cheering but shouting wrong way. I could have crawled in a hole. I wish you could tease me now. I Love You, Lindy

I remember one of the many times my dad took me fishing...i just had to go!! Me,Dad,Larry&Shane went to a dam, larry & shane were already at the dam, dad & I were walking to it, and i seen this tiny snake, and i thought it would be funny to scare dad with it, cause he didn't like em..any way i got a stick and it was on there, i said "hey dad look" looked and i was going to fling it at him he ran and was hollering, i was just busting a gut laughing..cause he used to tease us with spiders...well larry & shane came running thinking something terrible was wrong, and here i was laughing, come to find out it was a baby michigan rattler!!! Dad was soooooooo mad at me, but he ended up laughing was funny, but i had no clue it was that kind of snake...

Brian Cross

Tom is missed so very much by so many. I used to share books on cassette with him that I checked out from the library and I think of him every time I check a book out that I think he would of liked to listen to. And he would keep me supplied with lifesavers and everytime I have a lifesaver I am reminded of how I was blessed to have him for a friend.

Hey, i just got to remembering when it was the big day for me, you and the whole family when i finally graudated when we were all taking pictures me, you, grandma and , my parents and you just would not leave me alone and continued to make me laugh even when you weren't in the picture...but yeah that was probably my favorite memorie back in JUNE!!!!!! you 
Hey, gramps like 2 or 3 months ago when we went hunting i remember when you and uncle Jim where shooting at them darn geese and shot like 10 times and darin it look what we brought it was kinda funny how u guyz told me to hurry!!!

Dad, Ok i just had to write this memory..and mom and the girls will read this and laugh along with me...One year we got an operation game for christmas, and i remember all 4 of us playing, we would jump every time the buzzer went off..and you would just sit and laugh at us, and when it was your turn you said "I'll show you girls how to do it" and you always won...and if i remeber right i think mom found out that you had a way to loosen the batteries every time it was your turn!!!That was so funny...those are the little things we will miss about you, like michelle said you were a prankster...I love and miss you so much it hurts!!! Love your youngest baby girl, Toni

Dad, As Christmas is nearing, A few thoughts came to mind...I remember whenever we went visiting you & Mom would have Christmas songs playing on the radio.  I especially remember one of our favorites, "Rocking Around The Christmas Tree"!!  And of course, I don't know who was more excited when Santa came you or us?  You & Mom always made sure we had a good Christmas and I thank you both always for your unselfishness! You have both set that trait for us to give to our children(your Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren). Thanks so much for the memories and always remembering it was Christ's birthday, more about giving than receiving...I love you both so very much!! I'm forever grateful, Brenda




I have to leave another christmas year you picked me up from work to take me home, and when we stopped at the stop sign on vantyle rd, you were so opened the middle console in the truck, and said look what i was the necklace you bought mom for christmas, you were SO proud of your self!!! It was beautiful...and then i said "Dad how did you get that?" You said "I used my american express,why?" That is when i told you that you wre in deep trouble with mom...cause it has to be paid at the first of the were like, REALLY? Then at christmas you gave it to her and her mouth just dropped...then she said "How did you get that", and you told her the same as you told me...then told her i could of bought you a cadilac but would have to take it back....she was kinda mad, but she still cherish's it to this day, i don't think a day has gone by since you gave it to her thaty she hasn't worn it. You had excellent taste when you bought it. The best thing about the whole story was how happy and proud you were of that necklace...I Love You Dad, thanks for making my Mom, and all of us kids so happy!!!!


Dad, I was reminiscing when you came home from work.  You were working for Schlumberger and sometimes you were gone for days at a time on a job.  You would have one of us girls take off your work boots for you.  It was a game because we acted like we didn't like it, but you see, we didn't mind.  Because we appreciated that you were working all kinds of hours in all kinds of weather to provide for your family.  I remember I would tug on your boot and you would say, "Pull from the heel " and I would move it back and forth(it seemed like forever).  There was so much suction because you had them on for long periods of time that when they finally came off, I would land on my rear! Oh, can't forget how "good" your feet would smell, you would just laugh!!  Thanks for letting me take off your boots, Dad.  God bless your sense of humor. And for you & Mom looking out for your family.  We really appreciate it so very much, even though at times, we didn't thank you. I am giving you one "huge" hug for my thankfullness!! Love your oldest Brat...

I just wanted to thank you, and not just you but the entire family for accepting my sister and I. There was never a moment that I didn't feel like part of the family. Last Christmas, I remember you got right down on the floor and played with all the grandkids, I am thankful that my children got a chance to meet you. You were always so much fun, I loved coming to your house; you were such a prankster. I am going to miss seeing you in your chair this christmas. It just won't be the same without you.


I have so many wonderful memories of you, but i want to share this one being it is so close to christmas...The year you bought the boys all training bras...that was hilarious, you were so sneaky holding out for them to open all their presents, and then gave them those last..we are going to watch that video at christmas this we all are ever going to get thru it i don't know, cause you were like the spirit of christmas at your will not be the same without you...I love and miss you so much, and i will be writing lots of memories later.


Love You,



Dad, I know we all miss you saying, "Who's here?" when we come through the door.  That was your greeting for all of us!  We miss you so!! Love your daughter, Brenda  .... I'll be back with more...


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